Emille de Blanche
*1981, SE
Lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden


Emille de Blanche's artistic practice is characterized by a deep interest in the complex interaction between society, nature and technology. Through her sculptural works, she explores different hybrid states, where industrial production methods and subcultural expressions intertwine in an idiosyncratic way. Viewing the city as a living organism, she experiments with materials and structures in public space to explore themes of accretion and the relationship between society, machine and environment. Her works invite the viewer to reflect on the dynamics of society and our relationships with our surroundings.

2018 – 2019    Materialities, Post master level, 60 hp, Royal Institute of Art, SE
2017 – 2018     Project Year, Sculpture, Post master level, 30 hp, Royal Institute of Art, SE
2009 – 2011     MFA, Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, SE
2006 – 2009   BFA, Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, SE
2003 – 2006   Metal/Art Leksands Folkhögskola, preparatory studies

Public Collections
Statens Konstråd
Region Uppsala
Lidköpings Kommun

Teaching experience
2023 -  Adjunkt Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design
2017 - Visiting guestteacher
HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University

Solo Exhibitions
Passager, Härnösand Konsthall, SE,  2021
Oaser, Alingsås Konsthall, SE,  2021
Blow Ups, POP-Up Gallery, Hemmahos, Göteborg, SE,  2020
Passages, Taverna Brillo, Stockholm, SE,  2020
Oas, Kungstensgatan 27, Stockholm, SE,  2020
Systems of Orientation, Galleri KC, Gothenburg,SE,  2019
Pile, FÖ Center Exhibit, Bromölla AiR, Bromölla, SE,  2019
Hear nothing See nothing Say nothing, Hötorgsterrassen, Stockholm, SE,  2016
Borderland, Johannishus Slott, Blekinge, SE,  2016
1650 mm, Not Quite Maskinhallen, Fengersfors Bruk, SE,  2016
I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of,  Lidköpings Konsthall, SE,  2015

Group Exhibitions
Wunderkammer, Orangerie English Garden, Munich, DE,  2024
Namesake, Stockholm Craft Week, Kulturhuset @På Sergelstorg,  2023
Extended Family II, Stockholm Craft Week, Kulturhuset @På Sergelstorg,  2022

Extended Family, Streitfeld Project Gallery Space, Münich, DE,  2022
V, Something Something Gallery, Stockholm,SE,  2021
How does it feel, SCW, Stockholm, SE,  2021
Isolering | Kommunikation, Färgfabriken, Stockholm, SE,  2020
Currents // Strömmar, Upper Hand Gallery, Göteborg, SE, 2019
Experimentet, Kludd Showroom, Stockholm, SE,  2019
(X)Sites, Ulricehamn Kommun, SE,  2018
Materialities, Mindepartementet, Stockholm, SE,  2018
Nordisk Salong, Dunkers Kulturhus, Helsingborg, SE,  2017
I want to believe, GIBCA Extended,  Konstepidemin Göteborg, SE,  2017
Big Arty Bang, Red Salt Gallery,  Stockholm, SE,  2017
Kiruna Stadshus, Kirunastipendiet, SE,  2017
V Baltic Biennale of Contemporary Art, Novy Museum, St Petersburg, RU,  2016
Annual autumn exhibition, Edsvik Konsthall, SE,  2015
I tid och rum, Sculpture Art park, Stora Bryne, SE,  2015
WB14, web biennial, Istanbul, TU,  2014

SNAG This end up, Toronto, CA,  2013
The State of Things, Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, DE,  2012
Spring Exhibition, Konstfack, Stockholm, SE,  2011
Annual Graduation Show, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen, NL,  2009
Squatting Corpus, Munich, DE,  2009
Spring Exhibition, Konstfack, SE,  2009
Brainfood, Gustavsbergs Konsthall, Gustavsberg, SE,  2008

Selected Grants
Ateljestöd / Studio grant, Stockholm stad,  2024
ATeljestöd / Studio grant Stockholms stad,  2021

Konstnärsnämnden / Swedish Art Councel, Internationellt kulturutbyte,  2022
Estrid Ericsson Stiftelse, project grant,  2022
Konstnärsnämnden / Swedish Art council 2-year working grant,  2020
Konstnärsnämnden / Swedish Art council Project grant,  2018
Estrid Ericssons Stiftelse, project grant,  2017
Ateljestöd / Studio grant Stockholms stad,  2017
Estrid Ericssons Stiftelse, project grant,  2017
Jernkontoret, project grant,  2016
Konstnärsnämnden / Swedish Art council 1- year working grant,  2015
Estrid Ericssons Stiftelse, project grant,  2012
KKV Stockholm, working grant,  2011
Jubelfonden, den Nordiska första S:t Johannislogen,  2011 
August Rignérs Stipendiefond, project grant,  2010
Ulla Fröberg- Cramérs Stipendiestiftelse, project grant,  2010
J.L Eklunds Hantverksstiftelse,  2010

SKF / Svenska Konstnärernas Förening
Konstnärscentrum Öst
KKV Stockholm


Related Activities
2024 External Tutor BA-level, HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University
2024 Artist Lecture, Folkuniversitet Stockholm
2023 External Tutor MA Exams, HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University
2023 Academic Supervisor, MA level HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University

2022 Artist Lecture, Folkuniversitet Stockholm
2021 Opponent MA level, HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University
2021 Artist Lecture, Folkuniversitet   Stockholm
2021 External Tutor MA Exams, HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University
2021 Artist Talk, Alingsås Konsthall, SE
2021 Reptilhjärnan #7, Editors Klas Barbrosson / Katarina Löfström
2018 – 2021 Gallery Technician / Art Handler, Gallery Andréhn – Schiptjenko, Stockholm
2020  How to survive as an artist after school, lecture, HDK - Valand Gothenburg University
2020 External critic, Metal Art BA level, HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University
2020 Workshop SPACE, BA level HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University
2019 Member of jury, Royal Institute of Art, KKH, Course Materialities
2019 Sculptures, Carin Westers Autumn Collection for Åhlens
2019 Workshop Metal Inflation, Sculpture department, Konstfack Stockholm
2019 Guest teacher, Workshop SPACE, BA level HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University
2018 Artist Lecture, HDK-Valand Metal Art Gothenburg University
2018 IECES 2018, anti – symposium Uddebo, Tranemo Kommun
2017 Freelance studio assistant, Annika Oskarsson/Thomas Nordström, public art
2017 Freelance consultant, public art, Humans Since 1982 AB
2017 Academic supervisor, Metal Art, Bachelor level exams, HDK/Gothenburg University
2017 Set design, Giljotin/Suicide Club, Teater Giljotin Stockholm
2017 Artist Lecture, Let’s Talk, HDK/Gothenburg University
2016 – 2018 Freelance gallery technician, Gallery Andréhn – Schiptjenko, Stockholm
2013 Crack, Norbergfestival, Site-specific installations, Norberg, Sweden
2012 Freelance studio assistant for Johan Paalzow, public art project Blown Away Järvafältet,Sweden
2012 Freelance studio assistant for Roland Persson, public art project In the Shade of the Sun, Växjö, Sweden
2010 Member of jury, BA and MA, Ädellab Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden

© Emille de Blanche 2024    